
With the release of Tikamoon, I noticed that when trying to get respawns or age animals, the lower limit of 10 game min did not work reliably. WIth 10 game min days, it took 4 days. Then with 12 game min days, it only took 3 days. The other maps did still seem to work at 12 10 game min, but for the sake of keeping things simple I just use 12 game min on all maps now as a min time to make a day count (set a 3 min timer on phone if I am trying to science something fast).

I normally keep track of passing time on a daily basis. Kak2R on Woth Discord pointed out that you can also pass time a year at a time by letting the required time pass on a day, and then sleeping 23 hours in the game. To me, it seems that the mechanic works the same in either case. Yes, if you pass time daily you do have to open a bed/campfire 2 extra times, but the game rule seems to be play 36 game min (9 min real life) and sleep to 3 mornings. I still think that it means the game clock passes midnight or sunrise, but since i don’t often hunt at night, i have never tested where that point is. I imagine the 36 game min can be spread over the 3 day how ever you want, but I have just kept them even at 12 per day when I am using the daily method.

So to pass time daily, play on a map for 12 game min (3 min RL), sleep to the next day. I usually walk a little distance away from the bed before sleeping again to let the game register it, but I am not sure that is required since the yearly method works.

To pass time yearly, play on a map for 36 game min (9 min RL), then sleep to the next day 3 times.

The best way that I have found to get used to how all of this managing time works is to use a test herd. For this I like it to be a small herd (1-6 animals for easy counting), near a parking lot/respawn point, and have both of one type of need zone in easy view. Here is a good example of one that I use in Aurora.

Time and Zones

I go to this herd at feed zone time for them. I travel to the parking lot, drive to the south east on the ridge enough to see both feed zones. When I locate the herd, I cull an animal or two. Then I travel to the campsite or lodge and pass a day by the daily method. Between the travel and culling, it is probably not much longer to pass the 12 game mins. On the day, travel back to that herd at feed time. If the culled animals have respawned, then you are on the first day of the next year. You can repeat the passing a day and checking the herd until the respawns occur to identify when is day 1 of a new year, and then keep track in whatever way is easiest for you, if you want to by using a notepad or the toolbox in section 2.6. It is a shame, and a little silly that we do not have some sort of calendar or year progress tracker in game, but we can manage if we want to. Personally, I rarely track time, but only do it when I find a need to since it is easy to determine.

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